July 24, 2011

Cpu Processor explanation

The central processing unit (cpu processor), better known as CPU, is also called the processor, or microprocessor , is one of two main components of von Neumann stored-program, on which the model is based most modern computers.

The task of the CPU is to execute the instructions of a program (which must be present in memory). During program execution, the CPU reads or writes data in memory depends on the result of data on which it operates and the internal state where the CPU is the same, you can keep track of past transactions.

According to the organization of memory, there are two CPU PROCESSOR families:

     - With classical von Neumann architecture, where data and instructions reside in the same memory (thus it is possible to have self modifying code). This architecture is the most common because it is very simple and flexible.
     - With Harvard architecture, where data and instructions reside in two separate memories. This architecture can provide better performance since the two memories can work in parallel by reducing structural hazards, but it is obviously much more complex to manage. It is typically used in DSP.

Both architectures are based architectures, however, general registers.


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