May 8, 2011

mainboard | what is motherboard

In a computer there are some important parts are: memory (RAM), pga card, processor, land cards, sound cards, this part installed in a motherboard, to set up the motherboard there is a software that is installed inside the bios, there are some of famous bios brands. such as is award bios, ami bios, etc. you can get into bios setup by pressing the delete key when you first turn on the computer.

When you decide to buy a motherboard make sure that the motherboard that you choose is accordance with the brand of cpu that you have. For example if you choose cpu with amd or intel brand. make sure that you’re motherboard support for one of these cpu brand. Because usually a motherboard only support for one particular brand cpu.

Very important thing to remember is when you choose a ram, determine the amount of RAM you want to use in accordance with the motherboard you have.

In a motherboard, there are some pci slots. it works if you want to add some cards, such as land cards, pci cards, etc.
