Build A Computer From Scratch Step-By Step Hot !!!
Build a computer
from scratch consists of several components that must be carefully chosen and
installed to work with each other and have full compatibility and the best
possible operation. Beyond
the specific components of each computer that set it apart from any other, how
to assemble a computer from the individual pieces is always the same in all
cases and follows procedures that are repeated in all cases and that it is good
to follow in correct
order to be able to get a good result: a computer up and running! With
this guide we will explain in general what are the processes you need to follow
starting from the special case of a computer, but when you put your own hand,
you will find that the guide also reflects your case, simply adapt the example
to your particular situation. First
get yourself a fairly large, unobstructed, stable, not too dusty, a place where
you can conveniently littering all necessary components, a table should be fine
but possibly cover it with a coating to prevent scratches and things like that
... Also electronic
components like the CPU, RAM and motherboard can be damaged by electrostatic
discharge. To avoid this
surfaces that do not generate static electricity. If
necessary, use cardboard as a base insulation or other material that does not
generate static electricity.
touching an electronic component, touch a metal object that is in contact with
the floor.
make sure to have on hand the manuals for all components. The
same check must be made in assembling the necessary tools that are reduced to a
simple screwdriver, because for all the rest are simply and hands.
it is a list of essential components that you have to provide to build a PC:
1. Homes
2. Power Supply
3. Motherboard (Motherboard)
4. CPU
5. CPU Cooler
6. Hard Drive
7. RAM
8. Optical Drive
9. Floppy disk drive (optional)
10. Video Card (some motherboards have a built-in)
11. Burner (optional)
12. Sound card (optional, motherboards have it built in)
13. Cables ReadMore
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